Finally managed to report here after last night’s concert. Had a wonderful time starting with putting faces to names of many forum friends (not all unfortunately) at the meet-up dinner which Andrew kindly organised. Good food and great company – perfect preparation for what was about to unfold.
Personally I found this Melbourne concert much better all-round than Sydney. My seat was the furthest back of all the concerts I am attending and I thought it would not be as enjoyable. How wrong was I! Perfect centre view from six rows back and the sound was so much better. Managed to record audio 99% of this concert but still some problems, sound still a bit low but without the distortion of Sydney.
And.... um, err .... there is another sound problem which really could (and should!) have been easily avoided. I thought I was ever so quietly mouthing (not singing) the words to some of the songs. In ‘If It Be Your Will’ there are now Three Webb sisters! - totally I forgot I was recording this! And as well as a few comments, I've said an enormous shout at the end of Closing Time of “NO, NO, NO.... Alan” to AlanM who was two rows away! – so embarrassing!!
Apart from the usual comments, here are some of the words Leonard spoke after Dance Me To The End Of Love:
“I hope that every one of you will hear exactly what we’re doing on stage, and if you don’t please let me know, please cry out my name!”.... and of course immediately there were calls obligingly replying to that irresistible invitation! He went on to say about the seats in front of him: “and I want to thank you down here for endangering your family and your finances”. (I couldn't hear those last few words properly).
Part of his dialogue in Tower Of Song:
“You must be kidding! Is this is some sort of charity for the elderly. I know that it was nothing! You think that’s all I can do though, don’t you!”
After Suzanne was finished a female voice shouted “we love you” and in the darkness on stage you could just make out Leonard tipping his hat in the direction of the voice. Always the gentleman
My photos seem to have taken on a life of their own. I don’t know if it is the camera or the operator at this stage, but for what they are worth here’s an assorted few.
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