CONCERT REPORT: Dublin, September 11th and 12th 2013

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CONCERT REPORT: Dublin, September 11th and 12th 2013

Post by amcgee »

Well i am waiting to find out how the concert went last night.

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Re: CONCERT REPORT: Dublin, September 11th and 12th 2013

Post by amcgee »

article from Irish times today ... -1.1525071

Leonard Cohen returned to Dublin for his fifth Irish visit in six years, and if his Irish fans were suffering from Lenny fatigue, they didn’t show it at the O2 last night.

“Thank you for putting your household budget in jeopardy,” he told the audience after performing his first song of the night, Dance Me to the End of Love.

This was the first of two nights at Dublin’s O2 – he performs again tonight – and though the docklands venue couldn’t hope to equal the atmosphere of his legendary concerts at the Royal Hospital in Kilmainham, Cohen did manage to turn the vast venue into a small, smoky jazz club for a couple of hours.

So, what brings the crowds out year after year to see him? It’s the sheer quality, which hasn’t diminished with age. His voice is pure liquid gold – with a dash of bourbon and just a dollop of guilt and self-loathing.

And his knees haven’t gone, either; many’s the time he gets down to beg forgiveness from someone he has wronged, or simply to genuflect at the wonder of it all.

“I’m not quite ready to hang up my boxing gloves just yet,” he tells the crowd. “I don’t know when we’ll meet again, but tonight we’ll give you everything we’ve got.” And he does, delivering a lengthy set of classic songs.

His trusty band were with him all the way, delivering virtuoso performances that did justice to Cohen’s magnificent back catalogue. Solos from violinist Alexandru Bublitchi, guitarist Mitch Watkins and laud player Javier Mas juxtaposed nicely with the gently undulating voices of Sharon Robinson and sisters Charley and Hattie Webb.

At the centre of it all, though, was Cohen’s seasoned voice, delving effortlessly into seldom-reached depths of the soul. And he sounds like he still means it – Bird On A Wire was sung with fresh passion and penance, while Come Healing proved that there’s redemption in this old sinner’s soul.

As long as Leonard Cohen keeps serving up his smooth nectar of timeless songwriting and skilled delivery, there’ll always be a welcome for him here.
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Re: CONCERT REPORT: Dublin, September 11th and 12th 2013

Post by JudasPriest »

John Meagher, an Irish Independent music journalist, was on the radio this morning gushing with praise. He admitted worrying in advance there might be Len fatigue but ended up loving it. Hardly any filler, perfect sound and easily as good as his famed Kilmainham 08 appearances was the verdict- high praise indeed! I was in tweet contact with him after and he did say Lissadell were the only irish dates he has missed so wasn't in a position to compare those majestic shows to last night. Oh- he also observed there were banks of seats empty in the O2 last night apparently. Far from a sell out it seems unfortunately.
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Re: CONCERT REPORT: Dublin, September 11th and 12th 2013

Post by sturgess66 »

From Twitter:
@annemarieirl - #O2 @ #leonardcohen. Show about to start. Pls put AC on. We're boiling!
@OverheardDublin - Dublin Taxi Driver: "Traffic is terrible on the North Quays. Leonard Nimoy is playing at the O2 tonight" #LiveLongAndProsper #LeonardCohen
@neeerv - Casually tweeting in the presence of Leonard Cohen.
@jamiepurcell6 - I swear to god Leonard Cohen is good #FourthRow #PerfectView
@fergusfinlay - Leonard Cohen + amazing band, O2 tonight. Nearly 4 hrs. Beyond music. Charismatic. Pin-dropping. Breath-taking. Sometimes heart-breaking.
@john_fardy - Having seen leonard Cohen on sept 11th you can't help but think we should all hold fort 'on the day they wounded New York'
@edquilty - First we take Manhatten, then we take Berlin... Well tonight he took Dubln!!
@ceannbeag - Outstanding 3.5 hrs #leonardcohen concert...The Man !
@FrankSunTimes - Leonard Cohen clocks up 3 and a half hours at O2 in Dublin. Take that Bruce
@SeanKennyTD - Enjoyed Leonard Cohen concert at O2 tonight, among his words of wisdom he said “aint gonna hang up my boxing gloves yet” – good line
@jennyhuston - Leonard Cohen is a diamond. Legend @O2IrlMusic @TheO2Dublin
@Glen_Hansard - The shadow of Leonard Cohen in Dublin tonight.. A perfect autumn entry..
@kathrynTunney -@Leonardcohen great concert tonight at 02 in Dublin #tapastreet
@johnmeaghermuso - Back from a quite extraordinary Leonard Cohen show. 3.5 hours - very little filler. Easily the match of his Kilmainham gigs from 08
@jimmyobrien Folks if you can get a ticket for leonard cohen in the O2 dublin tonight do so. He just gets better. last night was magical.
@darraghjrea - Absolutely amazing gig from Leonard Cohen at the O2, such unbelievable talent #leonardcohen
@murraycathal - 1st time seeing Leonard Cohen it's like a tune up for the heart&soul
@ceannbeag - #leonardcohen is pure class tonight
@AineMByrne - @LeonardOnTour thank you for four hours of pure ecstasy. One of the best nights of my life. #leonardcohen

Statigram -

Short video clip -

Some crowd eh? #leonardcohen
Last edited by sturgess66 on Thu Sep 12, 2013 1:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: CONCERT REPORT: Dublin, September 11th and 12th 2013

Post by sturgess66 »

There are photos from the show - at the link - ... ew-photos/
Leonard Cohen at The O2 Dublin – Review & Photos
leonard-cohen-o2-dublin-7Leonard Cohen played The O2 Dublin tonight, September 11th.
Photos from Leonard Cohen’s performance at The O2, taken by Tudor Marian.

Video uploaded by Chloe Kc

A Thousand Kisses Deep / Hallelujah
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Re: CONCERT REPORT: Dublin, September 11th and 12th 2013

Post by cohenadmirer »

Nice video from ...Chloe kc
Not close but clear and gives a good sense of the size of the o2 and the enthusiasm of the audience .
Leonard's work resonates
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Re: CONCERT REPORT: Dublin, September 11th and 12th 2013

Post by rpan »

The other video available already is Albert Noonan's great recording of So Long Marianne

A great evening again, probably going to be my last LC concert (I have said this before!)

Had a lovely row 6 seat and sneaked to the front for the encores

Not full but considering the number of visits since 2008, the Irish economy and the cost of seats it was pretty packed.

A very warm reception - not loads of standing ovations I don't think from what I could see, but a huge flow of affection for sure fully manifested in the encores.

A lot of songs I love were not included, no Anthem, no Sisters of Mercy, no Heart with no Companion but of course there were compensations.

Highlight for me probably Night Comes On, exquisite song, exquisitely played.

I would have some reservations about the style of singing some of the classics, words off the beat is the nearest I can get to expressing it - but that is purely a personal take on it

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Re: CONCERT REPORT: Dublin, September 11th and 12th 2013

Post by sturgess66 »

Set list - as posted in Setlists thread by musicmania -
musicmania wrote:Dublin 02 Arena September 11th

Set 1
Dance Me to the End of Love
The Future
Bird on a Wire
Everybody Knows
Who By Fire
The Gipsy's Wife
The Darkness
Come Healing
Lover Lover Lover (+band intro)

Set 2
Tower of Song
Chelsea Hotel
Waiting for the Miracle
Night Comes On
The Partisan
In My Secret Life
Alexandra Leaving (Sharon Robinson)
I'm Your Man
A Thousand Kisses Deep (poem)
Take this Waltz

So Long Marianne
Going Home
First We Take Manhattan

Famous Blue Raincoat
If It Be Your Will (Webb Sisters)
Closing Time

I Tried to Leave You

Start approx 19:40 Finish approx 23:10
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Re: CONCERT REPORT: Dublin, September 11th and 12th 2013

Post by IrishAL »


So Long Marianne.

more to come...

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Re: CONCERT REPORT: Dublin, September 11th and 12th 2013

Post by Mabeanie1 »

JudasPriest wrote:Far from a sell out it seems unfortunately.
I am reliably informed by someone who should know these things that the second show is sold out. I guess people prefer to go out later in the week if they have a choice. Not everyone is a repeat offender.

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Re: CONCERT REPORT: Dublin, September 11th and 12th 2013

Post by annmarie »

@fergusfinlay - Leonard Cohen + amazing band, O2 tonight. Nearly 4 hrs. Beyond music. Charismatic. Pin-dropping. Breath-taking. Sometimes heart-breaking.

Fergus Finlay really says it all. Amazingly breathtakingly beautiful night.
So many times we think it can't get better, and it does! Better and better!!!!!!
Too emotional to say more, and another night of magic awaits.
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Re: CONCERT REPORT: Dublin, September 11th and 12th 2013

Post by annmarie »

IrishAL wrote:Video;

So Long Marianne.

more to come...

Thank you Albert, fantastic as usual.
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Re: CONCERT REPORT: Dublin, September 11th and 12th 2013

Post by mutti »

Thank you Albert for bringing those of us who are not there in body but there in spirit a bit closer to hearing Leonard sing. Your videos are outstanding!
Sounds like last night was a great performance and audience.
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Re: CONCERT REPORT: Dublin, September 11th and 12th 2013

Post by maroo »

Ticketmaster still have ticket available for this evening!!!
I can't be there unfortunately!!
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Re: CONCERT REPORT: Dublin, September 11th and 12th 2013

Post by swimmer »

Have to say that last nights show was up there with the 2008 legends.
I for one laughed and cried then cried and laughed again.
Leonard really seemed to be enjoying himself esp tower of song, lots of jokes.

I did sadly get the feeling that he was saying a long good bye this time so hope that is not true !
My favourites bird on a wire , alexandra, 1000 kisses

For those going tonight enjoy x
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