CONCERT REPORT: Stuttgart, Germany, October 1, 2010

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CONCERT REPORT: Stuttgart, Germany, October 1, 2010

Post by sturgess66 »

There's a show today in Stuttgart - the sixth largest city in Germany - and the venue is Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Halle - - a/k/a Schleyerhalle-
built in 1983. It is part of a "dual complex" - connected to the Porsche-Arena.

A major demonstration is ongoing in the center of Stuttgart. It has turned "ugly" with many injured - and has involved tear gas, pepper spray, water cannons by the police - people protesting a "rail project." German Chancellor Angela Merkel has called for calm. ... 936445.861

I read on FaceBook that the demonstrating continued on into the night - and could be heard from the hotel where the Leonard and the Unified Heart Touring Company were staying.

Some vivid captures from Joey -

Also going on across town, the Stuttgart 21 protest.
The scene is very tense and it looks like both police and protesters are in for the long haul.
* Stuttgart, Germany
Stuttgart 21 protest.
- Stuttgart, Germany
After a soggy night, it appears the police line has held and the clear cutting of the parks trees continues unabated. While the protesters have diminished in number at the moment, it is expected that 50,000+ people will be showing up around 5pm to pick up the baton and carry on into the night.
* Stuttgart, Germany ... rt-germany

Meanwhile - the show must go on - and the sound check is underway.
From Joey -

Show day in Stuttgart and the trucks and buses are lined up at the Schleyerhalle.
* Schleyerhalle - Stuttgart, Germany
“Once more into the breach”
Soundcheck is on in Stuttgart.
* Schleyerhalle - Stuttgart, Germany
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Re: CONCERT REPORT: Stuttgart, Germany, Oct. 1, 2010

Post by neo »

It will be interesting to see, if Leonard will mention the protests during the concert...
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Re: CONCERT REPORT: Stuttgart, Germany, Oct. 1, 2010

Post by neo »

Javier Mas and Malcom “Mickey” Sullivan have a quick smoke before we start the pre-show green room rituals.
*Schleyerhalle - Stuttgart, Germany
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Re: CONCERT REPORT: Stuttgart, Germany, Oct. 1, 2010

Post by remote1 »

Amazing pictures from Joey! :?
Thanks Sturgess66! ;-)
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Re: CONCERT REPORT: Stuttgart, Germany, Oct. 1, 2010

Post by neo »

LC takes Stuttgart.
*Schleyerhalle - Stuttgart, Germany
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Re: CONCERT REPORT: Stuttgart, Germany, Oct. 1, 2010

Post by sturgess66 »

“Born with the gift of a golden voice…”
Second set Stuttgart.
* Schleyerhalle - Stuttgart, Germany
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Re: CONCERT REPORT: Stuttgart, Germany, Oct. 1, 2010

Post by MaryB »

I am always grateful for your constantly updated photos and info. Makes one feel like you're almost there.
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Re: CONCERT REPORT: Stuttgart, Germany, Oct. 1, 2010

Post by neo »


Of course.
*Schleyerhalle - Stuttgart, Germany
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Re: CONCERT REPORT: Stuttgart, Germany, Oct. 1, 2010

Post by neo »

Bob Metzger has LC’s back as the Unified Heart Touring Co. runs through So Long Marianne.
*Schleyerhalle - Stuttgart, Germany

Hey that’s no way to say goodbye.
*Schleyerhalle - Stuttgart, Germany

*Schleyerhalle - Stuttgart, Germany
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Re: CONCERT REPORT: Stuttgart, Germany, Oct. 1, 2010

Post by sturgess66 »

MaryB wrote:Linda,
I am always grateful for your constantly updated photos and info. Makes one feel like you're almost there.
And thanks to Neo too who has been taking up the slack. :D :D

But - big thanks to Joseph Carenza, a/k/a "Joey" - for his "Notes from the Road!!" For those of us who can't be there - and as well for those who were there . A wonderful documenting of Leonard Cohen and the Unified Heart Touring Company as they travel - from show to show - city to city - country to country - on this incredible World Tour. :D :D :D
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Re: CONCERT REPORT: Stuttgart, Germany, Oct. 1, 2010

Post by neo »

Cohen-Songs von zeitloser Schönheit
Von Gunther Reinhardt, aktualisiert am 19.09.2010 um 12:50
Auch bei seiner Rückkehr nach Deutschland in diesem Jahr lässt er mit seiner neunköpfigen Band kaum einen Hit, den er seit Ende der 1960er Jahre geschrieben hat, aus, ob "I'm Your Man", "Suzanne" oder "So Long, Marianne". Und noch immer betören diese "Songs Of Love And Hate" - so der Titel eines Cohen-Albums von 1971 - mit einer durchdringenden Poesie, die Schwermut und Verlangen, Spiritualität und Bitterkeit miteinander verbindet.

Wer sich heute alte Leonard-CohenPlatten hört, dem fällt zwar auf, wie sehr die Arrangements immer vom musikalischen Zeitgeist geprägt waren, wie sehr er zum Beispiel in den 1980er Jahren dem Synthiepopsound verfallen war. Doch live inszeniert Musical Director Roscoe Beck die Songs im Cohen-Repertoire in zeitloser Schönheit, lässt Songs wie das düstere "The Future" oder das melancholische "The Gypsy's Wife" aus einem filigranen Geflecht aus Neil Larsons Hammondorgel und Javier Mas' Bandurria-Gitarre entstehen.

Live gibt es empfindungsreich pointierte Versionen der Cohen-Klassiker zu hören. Das seltsam entschleunigte "Bird On The Wire" zum Beispiel, das der zweite Gitarrist Bob Metzger mit raffinierten Blueslicks verziert. Oder "Who By The Fire", das sich aus einem Flamenco entfaltet. Noch immer ist Leonard Cohen ein Meister der Selbstironie. Vor allem wenn er in "Tower of Song" wieder einmal den selbstmitleidigen Alleinunterhalter mimt, über die Einsamkeit und das Älterwerden ("Well my friends are gone and my hair is grey / I ache in the places where I used to play") scherzt, sonor die Verse "I was born like this, I had no choice / I was born with the gift of a golden voice" knurrt und das Publikum mit einem kruden Einfinger-Synthesizer-Solo erfreut.

Während Cohen damals in Lörrach seine Sängerinnen am Ende der Nummer dazu nötigte, in einer Endlosschleife "Du dam-dam-dam, du dam-dam" zu singen, behauptete er, endlich den Sinn des Lebens zu kennen. Nach einigem Zögern verriet der Mann, der sich in den Neunzigern eine Zeit lang in ein buddhistisches Kloster zurückgezogen hatte, um sich der Zen-Meditation zu widmen und seither als Mönch den Namen Jikan (der Stille) tragen darf, dass die Antwort auf das große Mysterium der Existenz laute: "Du dam-dam-dam, du dam-dam."

Leonard Cohen tritt am 1. Oktober um 20 Uhr in der Schleyerhalle in Stuttgart auf. ... tml?page=1

No reviews yet, but I found this pre-concert article.
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Re: CONCERT REPORT: Stuttgart, Germany, Oct. 1, 2010

Post by sturgess66 »

Just found one Neo - and it looks like Leonard may have made a comment at the show relating to the demonstrations about the cutting down of trees for the rail line! He is standing tall - with the trees! :D :D :D ... hp/2653258
Leonard Cohen in Stuttgart
"Solidarity with the trees"

Michael Werner, published on 02.10.2010

Photo: dpa

Stuttgart - "Dance Me to the End of Love" Leonard Cohen on Friday evening, his great concert started in the Schleyer Halle, "Hey that's Know Way To Say Goodbye", the songwriter adopted the three and a half hours later from his enthusiastic audience. In between: hits like "Bird on the Wire" and "Suzanne," carefully orchestrated life descriptions such as "Everybody Knows" and with an acclaimed commentary on Stuttgart 21 Cohen has expressed his "solidarity with the trees." The 75-year-old singer from Montreal, was impressive with his evocative rough voice, the exquisite band and an incredible stage presence.
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Re: CONCERT REPORT: Stuttgart, Germany, Oct. 1, 2010

Post by neo »

Thank you very much sturgess66! I was sure that there would be a comment on Stuttgart 21 when the protest could be heard from the hotel where the band was staying and the topic was featured at Joey's site so much...
Thank you Joey and thank you Leonard!
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Re: CONCERT REPORT: Stuttgart, Germany, Oct. 1, 2010

Post by sturgess66 »

Here are a couple more from Joey - and a goodbye to Stuttgart -

Travel day.
Cool and damp fall morning in the city center and if things go to plan here in Stuttgart, the next time the tour comes through (should there be a next time of course) this park won’t be here, replaced instead by a high-speed train line; Stuttgart 21.
As for the UHTC, 25 minutes to lobby call and then off to Poland.
* Stuttgart, Germany
Leaving Stuttgart, all the best to our comrades in the park.
* Stuttgart, Germany ... -in?ref=nf
Last edited by sturgess66 on Sat Oct 02, 2010 4:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: CONCERT REPORT: Stuttgart, Germany, Oct. 1, 2010

Post by Isonge »

Great that LC commented on the Stuttgart 21 problem! I was hoping he would do so, since he is covering topics about "democracy" and struggles like this so often in his songs. There is a crack in everything - that's how the light gets in.
Can anybody recall when and what he exactly said during the concert about the trees or the demonstrations and how the reaction in the audience was?

Thank you!

Encouraging and peaceful greetings to anyone out there in Stuttgart from the north of Germany.

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